Hotel Street Lofts
Address: 119-37 Hotel Street
Year Built: 1885-96
Square Feet: 72,000
Residential: 72 Units
Commercial: 4,000 SF
Hotel Street Lofts
Completed in 2024, the development team of Lahinch Group, Braxton Capital and Morrisroe Lynn Development, completed a certified historic rehabilitation of three contiguous buildings on Hotel Street in the Lower Genesee Street Historic District in downtown Utica.
Warnick & Brown Factory (121 Hotel Street) was built in 1888, Jones of Utica Building (123 Hotel Street) was built in 1896, and the Winston Building (137 Hotel Street) was built in 1885.
Hotel Street and the surrounding area are home to the most historically significant properties in downtown Utica. Tracing roots back to the Civil War and The Seymour House (Utica Mayor 1843-44;); the redevelopment of these historic properties is a testament to the development team’s commitment to local preservation and community investment.
This rehabilitation converted three buildings into 72 market-rate apartments and ground floor retail and commercial space. The project is located a few blocks from the MVHS Hospital and The Nexus Center.